MD-11 - PAL
Featuring the Boeing MD-11, presented by Captain Ruud Bakker and First Officer Robert Lenz.
You will join Ruud and Robert in the Flight Operations briefing room at the Martinair building at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. |
5 Stars | 11 reviews |
5 Most Recent Customer Reviews
Derek This customer purchased the item at our site.
I really enjoyed watching it and for a couple of hours thought I was right there in the jump seat.
I've now ordered the Virgin B747-400 so look forward to that.
Your advert on the back of "Airliner World" was the prompt!
The quality was superb and liked the clarity of the film work.
Many thanks again!
Anthony Castrinakis This customer purchased the item at our site.
It's also helped bring home how very different it is to be sitting comfortably in front of one's computer with the "Pause" or "Reset" button always within easy reach and the very hard work that actually goes on during all phases of a flight, beginning from the pre-flight briefing to engine shutdown at the destination airfield.
As a 'wannabe' pilot (who missed that particular train a long, long time ago) deep appreciation to all flight crews the world over.
To ITVV: Keep up the great work
Art Granda This customer purchased the item at our site.
Very good Job!
Thanks to Ruud and Robert for clearing up many things about the flightdeck that I had questions about.
Chris This customer purchased the item at our site.
This is by far the best programme in the series and for anyone looking for tips on how to be a smoother pilot, Rudd Bakker is the man to learn from.

ITVV McDonnell-Douglas MD-11 PAL DVD Download