A320-200 - NTSC

Manufacturer: Airbus
Manufacturer Airbus

USD $ 16.49

Language English
Certificate Exempt Work
Copyright For Private Domestic Use Only
Running Time 85 Minutes
Chapter Points 55
Product Type Instant Download NTSC
Disk Size DVD 5
SKU 5028940030333DL

Captain Alan Dix, Chief Pilot of Inter European Airways, invites you to join him and his crew on the flightdeck for an unparalleled insight into how this modern airliner is operated and flown on a regular flight across Europe.

  • 86 minute DVD Inter European Airways
  • Birmingham > Zakynthos > Birmingham
  • Enter the world of Fly-By-Wire
  • Captain Alan Dix takes you through the systems and procedures

The programme was filmed using 4 cameras to give you an unparalleled view of take-offs and landings, including external shots, during the round trip from the UK to Greece.

In addition to seeing and hearing all key aspects of the flight and aircraft operation from the aircrew's perspective, this multi camera shoot programme you will see and hear the full briefing for the take-off from Birmingham, along with checklists, ATC clearance, procedures needed in the event of an emergency, together with descent and arrival into Zakynthos.

Alan takes time during the flight to give you details of how the aircraft is operated and flown. Amongst the many systems discussed are: Fly-by-wire, ECAM (Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring), EFIS (Electronic Flight Instruments System), PFD (Primary Flight Display), how to program and understand the FMGS (Flight Management and Guidance System), Meteorology, Weather Maps, Navigation, Electrics, Hydraulics, Fuel Systems, aircraft performance and many more subjects.

Whatever your interest in airliners and aviation, this is a truly educational programme for all to enjoy.

About the Aircrew
Captain Alan Dix was the Chief Pilot of Inter European Airways, flying the Boeing 757 and Airbus A320. He has the unusual distinction of holding the CAA type rating examiner status on four of the most modern glass cockpit civil airliners: Boeing 737-300, Boeing 757, Fokker 100 and Airbus A320. Alan learned to fly with the Royal Air Force, becoming a Q.F.I. He was previously an examiner on BAC 1-11s with Dan Air, and Fokker 100 fleet manager with Air Europe. Alan maintained an early interest in aerobatics and he was National Aerobatics Champion (Intermediate) in 1978 and even took a years sabbatical from the airlines to join the world famous Rothmans Aerobatic Team, flying in the number 3, left wing position.

5 Stars 
 13 reviews

5 Most Recent Customer Reviews

Michael Holmes This customer purchased the item at our site.

Another brilliant movie from ITVV, I will buy more of their movies!

Richard Freeman This customer purchased the item at our site.

Just finished watching the DVD.

This is a very nice program indeed.

This is a great introduction to the A320.

I look forward to watching more ITVV DVDs soon.

Alex This customer purchased the item at our site.

This was my first programme from ITVV.


Steven Prentice This customer purchased the item at our site.

I thought this was a terrific programme.

The A320 is an amazing airplane!

Jonathan Thompson This customer purchased the item at our site.

Well all I can say this is a brilliant DVD.

I have watched this programme loads of times and don't get bored - I am a big fan!

I would rate this with a 9/10 and found it very educational.

I would like to thank all the staff that made it possible thanks ITVV keep it up!!!!