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NTSC - this is the video format standard used in the United States, Canada, Japan etc.
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A320-200 - NTSC

A320-200 - NTSC

Captain Alan Dix, Chief Pilot of Inter European Airways, invites you to join him and his crew on the flightdeck for an unparalleled insight into how this modern airliner is operated and flown on a regular flight across Europe.

  • 86 minute DVD Inter European Airways
  • Birmingham > Zakynthos > Birmingham
  • Enter the world of Fly-By-Wire
  • Captain Alan Dix takes you through the systems and procedures

The programme was filmed using 4 cameras to give you an unparalleled view of take-offs and landings, including external shots, during the round trip from the UK to Greece.

In addition to seeing and hearing all key aspects of the flight and aircraft operation from the aircrew's perspective, this multi camera shoot programme you will see and hear the full briefing for the take-off from Birmingham, along with checklists, ATC clearance, procedures needed in the event of an emergency, together with descent and arrival into Zakynthos.

Alan takes time during the flight to give you details of how the aircraft is operated and flown. Amongst the many systems discussed are: Fly-by-wire, ECAM (Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring), EFIS (Electronic Flight Instruments System), PFD (Primary Flight Display), how to program and understand the FMGS (Flight Management and Guidance System), Meteorology, Weather Maps, Navigation, Electrics, Hydraulics, Fuel Systems, aircraft performance and many more subjects.

Whatever your interest in airliners and aviation, this is a truly educational programme for all to enjoy.

About the Aircrew
Captain Alan Dix was the Chief Pilot of Inter European Airways, flying the Boeing 757 and Airbus A320. He has the unusual distinction of holding the CAA type rating examiner status on four of the most modern glass cockpit civil airliners: Boeing 737-300, Boeing 757, Fokker 100 and Airbus A320. Alan learned to fly with the Royal Air Force, becoming a Q.F.I. He was previously an examiner on BAC 1-11s with Dan Air, and Fokker 100 fleet manager with Air Europe. Alan maintained an early interest in aerobatics and he was National Aerobatics Champion (Intermediate) in 1978 and even took a years sabbatical from the airlines to join the world famous Rothmans Aerobatic Team, flying in the number 3, left wing position.

USD $ 16.49

B747-400 - CPA - NTSC

B747-400 - CPA - NTSC

Join Cathay Pacific Airways on a flight from London Heathrow into one of the world's most demanding and exciting landings - Hong Kong's Kai Tak airport.

  • 63 minute DVD Cathay Pacific Airways
  • London Heathrow' > Hong Kong Kai Tak
  • Checkerboard Approach
  • Captain Don Grange guides you through the systems and procedures

Your pilot's eye view will give you an insight into the worlds most popular and well-known civil aircraft - the mighty Boeing Jumbo Jet.

During the programme we position you on the flightdeck for the departure from London on flight CX250. You will see the take-off first hand alongside the Captain and First Officer.

In the cruise we take you to the Cathay 747-400 simulator in Hong Kong. This multi-million dollar simulator is used to show you some incredible facets about the -400 that would not be possible on a scheduled flight. Demonstrations include a full take-off from 09R at Heathrow, from engine start-up (including a hot engine start), high and low speed stalling with dramatic effect, engine fires, plus much more. You'll receive full explanations of what is happening along with views of systems such as the PFD (Primary Flight Display).

Then we go back to flight CX250 for the landing into Kai Tak. Our multi-camera shoot of one of the world's most demanding landings is something to treasure forever. As educational as it is exciting this programme is a unique way to experience airliner travel!

USD $ 16.49

B767-300ER - NTSC

B767-300ER - NTSC

Captain David Henry, director of flight operations for Leisure International Airways, invites you to join him and First Officer Norman Port on a memorable flight on-board this Boeing 767-300ER aircraft.

  • 80 minute DVD Leisure International Airways
  • London Gatwick > Orlando, Florida, USA
  • 4 different cameras
  • Captain David Henry takes you over The Atlantic

The journey begins at London Gatwick airport and takes us to Orlando in the United States of America. En-route David and Norman will show you the systems and operating procedures on this Extended Range airliner.

During the Atlantic crossing you will learn in detail about the North Atlantic Track and we also discuss, in depth, the topic of ETOPS (Extended Twin Range Operations) and the implications of flying a twin engine aircraft over the Atlantic.

In addition to seeing and hearing all key aspects of the flight and aircraft operation from the aircrew's perspective, this multi camera shoot programme you will see and hear the full briefing for the take-off from London Gatwick, along with details of the procedures needed in the event of an emergency, together with descent and arrival into Orlando International Airport are also discussed in detail.

A relatively new system on the aircraft, TCAS (Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System) is shown and explained. This system can detect and monitor other civil aircraft in its flight path and is now mandatory in the USA.

This programme was filmed using 4 cameras to give you an unparalleled view of both take-off and landing. We also show you the aircraft being loaded with cargo and baggage along with the fuel required for this transatlantic flight.

Whatever your interest in airliners and aviation, this is a truly educational programme for all to enjoy.

USD $ 16.49

A320-200 Sim - NTSC

A320-200 Sim - NTSC

While filming on scheduled airline services provides a wonderful way of watching flight operations, there are many things you will never see...

  • 73 minute DVD
  • SAS Flight Academy, Stockholm
  • Accomplish a Barrel Roll in the A320!
  • Captain Alan Dix invites you to take the right hand seat

This programme takes you to the SAS Flight Academy in Stockholm and covers essentials such as dealing with engine failures through to how to barrel roll an A320!

Led by one of our most popular presenters, Captain Alan Dix, your journey begins in the classroom for a refresher course on the layout of the A320, before looking at the workings of this $13 million six-axis simulator.

Once inside the sim you are invited to take the right hand seat for this detail. Alan will show and explain, in a clear and easy to understand way such things as Rejected Take Off (RTO), engine failure after V1 and the actions that are necessary to control this 62 tonne airliner. Alan also shows you how to accomplish a barrel roll in the A320! Or perhaps you need a refresher on how to do an autoland to runway 24 at Manchester?

This programme contains many more interesting facts and details on how pilots train in the simulator. It's perfect for those that want to take their airliner flying a little more seriously, either on home computers or with a view to taking up a career as a professional pilot or simply enjoy this entertaining programme.

USD $ 16.49

B747-200 Classic - NTSC

B747-200 Classic - NTSC

In this documentary-style programme we join Captain Guy Stephenson, Virgin Atlantic's B747-200 fleet manager, Chief Flight Engineer Alan Bonnick and First Officer Adrian Thurley on flight number VS005/6 from London Gatwick to Miami, Florida and the return journey to Gatwick. En-route Guy, Alan and Adrian will guide you around the various systems that make this a truly "Classic" Jumbo aircraft.

  • 112 minute DVD
  • Virgin Atlantic Airways
  • London Gatwick > Miami, Florida, USA
  • Detailed tour and explanation of the Flight Engineers Systems Panel

In addition to seeing and hearing all key aspects of the flight and aircraft operation from the aircrew's perspective, this multi camera shoot programme will introduce you to such systems as the INS (Inertial Navigation System), Selcal which is a selective calling system and is part of the aircraft communications system and many others.

Alan will give you a detailed tour and explanation of the Flight Engineers systems panel, encompassing the engine secondary instrumentation, electrics, fuel, hydraulic and air conditioning panels. Then join Adrian who will provide you with an insight into the many systems which go to make up the overhead panel. Guy will take you through topics such as TCAS (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System), NATS (North Atlantic Track System) and a flight progress Chart.

This programme is suitable for anyone who is interested in how these aircraft fly. A truly educational programme for all to enjoy on one of the world's best loved airliners.

About the Aircrew
Captain Guy Stephenson is the fleet manager for Virgin Atlantic Airways Boeing 747-200 aircraft. Guy was an Undergraduate at the Loughborough College of Technology, where he obtained a Diploma (Hons) in Industrial Chemistry.

In 1958 he became a pilot officer in the Royal Air Force and obtained his wings in January 1960. Several years later he became a Squadron Pilot of 213 Squadron in the Allied Tactical Airforce in Germany. Developing his flying career in 1966, he became a Pilot for the British Overseas Airways Corporation, piloting the Boeing 707 fleet.

In 1975 Guy obtained his Command on the B707 and is also an Authorised Examiner for the CAA. He later became a Base Training Captain on the B747-400. In his spare time he is to be found sailing, playing tennis, squash and skiing.

USD $ 16.49

B777-200 - NTSC

B777-200 - NTSC

Take your flight deck seat on a Cathay Pacific Airways flight from Auckland, New Zealand to Singapore and see how this 21st century airliner is operated and flown. PLUS, experience a ride in the Cathay Pacific full motion simulator to learn more about the flight systems and emergency operations!

  • 109 minute DVD
  • Cathay Pacific Airways
  • Auckland – Singapore
  • Detailed tour and explanation of the B777 Flightdeck

In this programme you will join Captain Graeme Thomson, Cathay Pacific Airways fleet manager B777, for an insight into this 21st century airliner.

To start with, you’ll join Graeme in the cockpit about 1 hour out of Auckland, New Zealand where you will witness a rare display: an approach in the landing configuration, followed by a Go-Around, a high speed low level (approx. 500 feet) fly past followed by a landing. We then take off from Auckland, destination: Singapore.

As the aircraft cruises to its destination we’ll take you behind the scenes and into the B777 simulator in Hong Kong. This gives Graeme the opportunity to give you a guided tour of the all new LCD equipped flight deck where you’ll learn about Fly-by-Wire (FBW), Electronic Check List, Cursor Control Device (CCD) and Multi Functional Display (MFD). We also show you Thrust Asymmetry Compensation (TAC) including a failure of an engine on take-off and how TAC helps the pilot.

Finally we’ll then rejoin the B777 for the landing at Singapore. This is a ‘must-see’ for anyone interested in this 21st century jet.

USD $ 16.49

Concorde - Part One - NTSC

Concorde - Part One - NTSC

Join the flightdeck crew on a scheduled British Airways Concorde round trip from London Heathrow to New York's JFK airport. A unique and fascinating documentary made using 9 cameras on the world's fastest ever airliner.

  • 166 minute - Disk One of Two ( Disk Two details Here )
  • British Airways
  • London Heathrow > New York JFK
  • Filmed using a total of 9 cameras

This prestigious documentary programme on the world's fastest civil airliner, Concorde is presented by Captain David Rowland and Senior Flight Engineer Roger Bricknell who take you on a full guided tour of this incredible aircraft.

You join Concorde G-BOAF and David outside the BA maintenance hangar at London Heathrow Airport for a fascinating overview of the history on Concorde. You will also hear about the differences between Concorde and other modern aircraft. Such differences as Concorde not having an APU (Auxiliary Power Unit).

Roger starts up the GPU (Ground Power Unit) and David and Roger discuss and demonstrate the various configurations of the Nose and Visor system.

Roger then takes you on a very detailed external walk around. Roger shows you virtually every aspect of the exterior: -

Nose and Gear assembly
Static Ports
Powered Flying Control Unit (with a cover removed so you can see the workings!)
Braking System
Refuelling Controls

Roger even opens the access doors of the engines to give you a detailed explanation of the inner working of the Fuel Control Units, Oil Filters, Pressurisation, Integrated Drive Generators – this really is a unique, detailed presentation!

Before our flight to New York’s JFK, David gives you a tour of the flightdeck and cabin, he also adds even more detailed information on Concorde.

Prior to departure we join the flightdeck crew including First Officer Les Brodie, as they carry out their flightdeck setup, checks and briefings. You will be shown how the INS (Inertial Navigation System) is programmed and guided through every step of the departure process.

It’s time to go flying! Today we join Concorde G-BOAD. ‘Alpha Delta’ was the airframe that achieved the fastest Atlantic crossing by any Concorde and occurred on February 7, 1996 taking only 2 hours, 52 minutes, and 59 seconds!

Follow the start-up, taxi and take-off from LHR 27L whilst David keep’s you informed of every step including afterburners, acceleration point and full power climb to 60,000ft.

You will also witness the point that we reach Mach II – twice the speed of sound.

During our Atlantic crossing David and Roger guide you around the Forward Instrument Panel, Overhead Panel, INS Navigation and many more systems.

We then reach our deceleration point and commence all the checks and briefings for our approach and arrival into JFK airport’s runway 31R.

During both your flights David and Roger guide you through the systems that enable this aircraft to fly at twice the speed of sound.

This programme was filmed using a total of 9 cameras to give you the best views of all phases of flight.

Crystal clear audio utilises the aircraft's audio system so you can hear both the crew and ATC!

This is without doubt the most detailed look at Concorde that has ever been produced and is the only way you will ever see how this magnificent aircraft was flown.

82 Chapter Points

Running time 2 Hours and 46 Minutes (166 Minutes)

About Captain David Rowland
Captain David Rowland is married with two sons and lives in North Oxfordshire. After basic training he joined BA (BOAC) in 1969 and became a Co-Pilot/Navigator on VC10s. In 1976 he joined the Concorde fleet. In 1993 he became Commercial Manager Concorde, responsible to Regional General Manager, Americas for the Concorde business in British Airways, and later combined the operational and commercial management role as General Manager Concorde.

In total David has over 10,000 flying hours, most of which are supersonic. In 1995 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, and is a Member of the Royal Institute of Navigation. He is a long term member of the Duxford Aviation Society, and in his spare time, enjoys going to the theatre, walking, reading, listening to music, playing golf and tennis (neither very well!).

Over 1.5 Million Supersonic Passengers
Concorde was the only supersonic passenger airliner in the world and British Airways was one of only two airlines operating this flagship of the worlds civil aviation fleet. A Over 1.5 million passengers have flown supersonically on board British Airways seven strong Concorde fleet since they entered commercial service on January 21st 1976. Cruising at 1,350mph, twice the speed of sound, a typical transatlantic crossing took less than three and a half hours.

Concorde flew above all the weather and her passenger cabin was pressurised to a more comfortable level than on subsonic aircraft, reducing flight fatigue still further. Since entering service, British Airways Concordes have operated some 40,000 flights. Concorde's fastest yet transatlantic crossing was on February 7th 1996, when she completed the New York to London flight in 2 hours 52 minutes and 59 seconds, over 40 minutes faster than schedule.

The small number of dedicated flight crews that flew this superb aircraft were drawn from the best and most experienced that British Airways had to offer and have more supersonic flight time than any of the pilots of the world's Air Forces!

USD $ 16.49

Concorde - Part Two - NTSC

Concorde - Part Two - NTSC

Join the flightdeck crew on a scheduled British Airways Concorde round trip from London Heathrow to New York's JFK airport. A unique and fascinating documentary made using 9 cameras on the world's fastest ever airliner.

  • 140 minute - Disk Two of Two ( Disk One details Here )
  • British Airways
  • New York JFK > London Heathrow
  • Filmed using a total of 9 cameras

This prestigious documentary programme on the world's fastest civil airliner, Concorde is presented by Captain David Rowland and Senior Flight Engineer Roger Bricknell who take you on a full guided tour of this incredible aircraft.

Following a good night’s rest in New York you join the crew again for a very detailed flight briefing at the BA dispatch office at JFK airport. This briefing covers everything we need to know – weather, Ultra Violet forecast, routing, fuel planning. There is also a very in-depth explanation of the complex noise abatement procedure for our take-off from JFK’s runway 31L out over Jamaica Bay.

Once onboard G-BOAD again we re-join our crew as they carry out their flightdeck setup, checks and briefings, INS programming etc.

Follow the start-up, taxi and take-off – here you see the full Jamaica Bay SID in detail. You will witness the very precise and intense detail of this complex departure.

Again, you follow all the detail; afterburners, acceleration point and full power climb out to our cruise altitude of 60,000ft.

As we settle into the cruise David and Roger once again take you around even more instruments! Roger gives you a very close-up and personal guide around the Flight Engineers Panel. Systems covered include: -

Fuel Transfer and Management
C of G (Centre of Gravity) movement and monitoring
Air Bleed Control
Electrical Generation

Roger even shows you where Concorde expands in flight!

David once again guides you through the process to get us to Mach II. Plus, even more details from the Concorde flightdeck.

As we reach our deceleration point and commence all the checks and briefings for our approach and arrival into London Heathrow’s runway 27L.

During both your flights David and Roger guide you through the systems that enable this aircraft to fly at twice the speed of sound.

This programme was filmed using a total of 9 cameras to give you the best views of all phases of flight.

Crystal clear audio utilises the aircraft's audio system so you can hear both the crew and ATC!

This is without doubt the most detailed look at Concorde that has ever been produced and is the only way you will ever see how this magnificent aircraft was flown.

62 Chapter Points

Running time 2 Hours and 20 Minutes (140 Minutes)

About Captain David Rowland
Captain David Rowland is married with two sons and lives in North Oxfordshire. After basic training he joined BA (BOAC) in 1969 and became a Co-Pilot/Navigator on VC10s. In 1976 he joined the Concorde fleet. In 1993 he became Commercial Manager Concorde, responsible to Regional General Manager, Americas for the Concorde business in British Airways, and later combined the operational and commercial management role as General Manager Concorde.

In total David has over 10,000 flying hours, most of which are supersonic. In 1995 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, and is a Member of the Royal Institute of Navigation. He is a long term member of the Duxford Aviation Society, and in his spare time, enjoys going to the theatre, walking, reading, listening to music, playing golf and tennis (neither very well!).

Over 1.5 Million Supersonic Passengers
Concorde was the only supersonic passenger airliner in the world and British Airways was one of only two airlines operating this flagship of the worlds civil aviation fleet. A Over 1.5 million passengers have flown supersonically on board British Airways seven strong Concorde fleet since they entered commercial service on January 21st 1976. Cruising at 1,350mph, twice the speed of sound, a typical transatlantic crossing took less than three and a half hours.

Concorde flew above all the weather and her passenger cabin was pressurised to a more comfortable level than on subsonic aircraft, reducing flight fatigue still further. Since entering service, British Airways Concordes have operated some 40,000 flights. Concorde's fastest yet transatlantic crossing was on February 7th 1996, when she completed the New York to London flight in 2 hours 52 minutes and 59 seconds, over 40 minutes faster than schedule.

The small number of dedicated flight crews that flew this superb aircraft were drawn from the best and most experienced that British Airways had to offer and have more supersonic flight time than any of the pilots of the world's Air Forces!

USD $ 16.49

B757-200 - NTSC

B757-200 - NTSC

This documentary-style programme will give you a privileged flightdeck perspective of flying an airliner. Join the flight crew in the high-tech cockpit of a Boeing 757 and learn about the cockpit and instruments on this fascinating aircraft

  • 75 minute
  • Airtours International
  • Manchester > Dalaman (LTBS) in Southern Turkey

Whether you're a budding airline pilot or back seat passenger curious to know what goes on during the flight, this is an amazing and unique airliner experience that is not to be missed!

You will join Captain Rex Taylor aboard this Airtours International Boeing 757-200 for a trip to Dalaman (LTBS) in Southern Turkey. The trip starts at Manchester International airport (EGCC) where Rex will invite you on to the flightdeck of the aircraft, call-sign Tourjet 179P.

Once onboard, follow the cockpit briefing, watch engine start-up and observe the many procedures necessary to get the aircraft safely into the air.

You will witness both the take-off and landing from the jump seat, and once in the cruise you will also be given a full guided tour of the cockpit instrumentation including the EADI (Electronic Attitude Director Indicator), EHSI (Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator), EICAS (Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System). Rex will also show you how the EICAS system works, including the alert, caution and warning operations.

In addition to the guided tour of the "office" you'll hear the Air Traffic Control for our flight and follow the checklists as we give you the opportunity to explore this fascinating aircraft with an experienced Captain.

This programme was filmed using four cameras to give you an unparalleled view of take-off and landing, including external shots.

About Captain Rex Taylor
Captain Rex Taylor joined Airtours International as a Training Captain on the MD-83 when the airline commenced operations in 1991. Rex transferred to the B767 and B757 when they were introduced to the company in 1994.

On leaving school at 16, Rex joined Smiths Industries Aviation division as a Mechanical engineering apprentice. After completing his apprenticeship and a Mechanical Engineering Degree, Rex was sponsored by British Airways to learn to fly at Oxford Air Training School.

USD $ 16.49

BAe 146-200 - NTSC

BAe 146-200 - NTSC

An amazing insight into the British Aerospace 146 ‘Whisper Jet’. Join the crew on the flight deck for a round trip from London Luton to Rome Ciampino.

  • 109 minute
  • DebonAir Airways
  • London Luton > Rome Ciampino > London Luton
  • Platinum Collection
  • Filmed using a total of 6 cameras

Learn about the systems and procedures required to fly the aircraft, then take in a spectacular view of the French Alps on your approach into Ciampino airport.

You join Nick and Kevin at London Luton for a round trip to Rome Ciampino airport in Italy. We depart from Luton runway 26, on a Compton SID for our journey with Nick as Pilot Flying.

Once in the cruise Nick takes time to give you a detailed tour of the flightdeck and gives you many details about the systems and operational requirements of the 146, including the MWS (Master Warning System) with a demonstration of how the system works. Nick also takes you through the flight control systems and engines. En-route we are treated to a spectacular view of the French Alps before then making an approach to Rome Ciampino using runway 15.

On the return leg Kevin is Pilot Flying as we take-off on runway 15. Once in the cruise again Nick takes you through more systems including the TMS (Thrust Management System) and Kevin takes you around his instrumentation. Nick also gives you a fascinating insight into becoming an airline pilot.

We then start our descent back to Luton for an approach to runway 26. Throughout the flight you’ll hear Air Traffic Control for our flights and follow the checklists and procedures as you discover the 146 in a unique television experience.

USD $ 16.49

B737-300 - NTSC

B737-300 - NTSC

Follow this first revenue flight of the Boeing 737-300 G-IGOM having only been delivered to Go two days earlier presented by Captain John Mahon and First Officer Joe Wholihan.

  • 90 minute
  • Go Airways
  • London Stansted – Lisbon – London Stansted
  • Platinum Collection
  • Filmed using a total of 7 cameras

You will join John and Joe at London Stansted airport (EGSS) for a round trip to Lisbon in Portugal, on this brand new aircraft. Departure is from Stansted's Runway 23, callsign Go Flight 301, for our journey with John as Pilot Flying.

Once in the cruise, John takes time to give you an extensive tour of the flightdeck and reveals many details about the systems on board the 737. Some of the systems covered include: EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System) which incorporate the EADI (Electronic Attitude Director Indicator), EHSI (Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator. John also explains the RDMI (Radio Direction Magnetic Indicator) and takes a detailed look at the engine instruments. We then make the approach to Lisbon using runway 03.

Once on the ground, join John for his pre-flight walk-round as the crew prepare for the return sector.

On our return journey, Joe is Pilot flying as we take-off on runway 03. Once established in the cruise, John again takes you through some instruments including the FMC (Flight Management Computer) and a very detailed look at the system pages of the FMC which includes: Progress, Climb, Cruise, Descent, Legs, Approach, Reference, Route, Direct Intercept, Departures/Arrivals and the Hold Pages.

We then move on to look at the Auto Thrust System which includes a demonstration about how the system maintains thrust settings on each engine. After showing the Trim wheels and a guided tour of the MCP (Mode Control Panel), which houses systems such as the Flight Director and Autopilot, we then start our descent back to Stansted for an approach to runway 23. Hear the Air Traffic Control for our flights and follow the checklists as you discover the features of the B737-300 from the privileged position of the flightdeck.

Digital Stereo Audio - Experience stereo audio of the highest quality. All the audio for the Platinum Collection programmes is recorded using the latest digital audio recorders to bring you crystal clear audio enjoyment.

Digital Video - The Platinum Collection range of programmes are all shot on digital video tape to ensure the highest quality pictures available. ITVV have always been at the forefront of modern technology to bring you the very best in quality aviation viewing.

Digital Editing - The Platinum Collection are all edited "in-house" using ITVV's own digital edit facilities, like-minded aviation enthusiasts and professionals which brings the added advantage of been able to take time to ensure you get to see what is of real interest and on DVD jump right to the part you want instantly!

Multi-Camera Shoot - Every programme in this range has been recorded using a minimum of six, full broadcast, digital cameras to ensure the very best in viewing. By utilising so many cameras we are able to bring you the variety of shoots that you would expect from an ITVV programme - the next best thing to being there!

Air Traffic Control - Listen into the air traffic control at the most important phases of our flights - again using digital audio you can hear the actual audio that the pilots themselves hear.

Join the flightdeck crew - By bringing you this wide variety of pictures along with stereo audio you will feel as though you are actually a part of the flightdeck crew! Witness the tension as the aircraft is rolling down the runway or on the approach into land.

About Captain John Mahon
Captain John Mahon started his flying career in Aer Lingus in 1979 as a cadet pilot. On graduation from Oxford Air Training School he commenced flying on the Boeing 737-200. In 1987 he joined Inter European Airways in Cardiff as Flight Technical Manager and was involved in introducing the 737-300 and 757 into the fleet.

With IEA's take-over by Airtours he became the A320 Technical Captain and was then invited to help set up British Mediterranean Airways in London Heathrow. He joined Go in April 1998 and operated their first commercial flight to Rome Ciampino on May 22nd of that year.

He has over 10,000 hours flying experience and has flown Worldwide on various secondments, including two years on the Boeing 767 with Alitalia

USD $ 16.49

A330-200 - NTSC

A330-200 - NTSC

See just what it is like to ‘fly by wire’ one of the world’s most advanced passenger aircraft, as it makes its transcontinental flight from Manchester in the UK to Orlando’s Sanford International airport in the USA.

  • 139 minute
  • Airtours International Airways
  • Manchester, UK > Sanford, Orlando, USA
  • Platinum Collection
  • Filmed using a total of 7 cameras

Your exclusive behind-the-scenes journey starts at Manchester’s International Airport as the aircraft awaits departure on stand 27. Taking off from runway 24R and with the call sign Kestrel 029, you’ll climb outbound for the Atlantic – seeing and hearing everything that happens from check-lists, crew briefings and communication with Air Traffic Control until your arrival and shut-down.

The experienced aircrew will give you a guided tour of the Airbus’ flight deck as you establish in the cruise at 35,000 feet.  Amongst the many systems explained are the electronic management and glass cockpit systems such as EFIS, FMGS, MCDU and the overhead panel. The Captain will also explain some of the differences between the A330-200 and the Airbus A320.

Naturally there’s more than the ‘office’ to look at and you’ll see views of departure, in flight and approach and landing with multiple camera angles both from the cockpit and outside.

Whether you’re a budding airline pilot or back seat passenger curious to know what goes on during the flight, this is an amazing and unique airliner experience that is not to be missed!

USD $ 16.49

Fokker 100 - NTSC

Fokker 100 - NTSC

In this detailed look at the Fokker 100 you join the Chief Pilot (Fokker fleet), Captain Ian Lawrie and First Officer Euan McLean.

  • 167 minute DVD British Midland
  • East Midlands, UK - Nice, Cote D'Azor - East Midlands, UK
  • Pre-flight preparations
  • Manual landing into Nice using runway 04L

Your journey begins at East Midlands International Airport (EGNX), in the crew dispatch office for pre-flight preparations where Ian and Euan begin with a detailed briefing for the flight.

Next we join Ian at our aircraft (G-BXWE) for a guided tour of the externals of the aircraft. We then move on to the flightdeck for the round trip to Nice Cote D'Azur Airport (LFMN) in Southern France. We depart EGNX using runway 27 and during our outbound sector (BD289) Ian is Pilot Flying and gives you lots of information regarding the aircraft, systems and operation.

Follow the manual landing into Nice using runway 04L.

On our return sector (BD290) Euan is Pilot Flying for a zero flap take-off from LFMN runway 04R. Ian describes in detail the Navigation Log and fuel calculations and Euan takes you through the overhead panel in detail. We then settle into the descent for a Cat IIIa Autoland into East Midlands runway 27. During the flight you will not only see just how the aircraft is flown but will be able to follow Air Traffic Control, see the briefings and the checklists and procedures carried out in the cockpit on a scheduled airline flight.

About Captain Ian Lawrie
Captain Ian Lawrie commenced flying lessons aged 16, completing his first solo flight on his 17th birthday. In order to advance his flying hours and total experience, Ian spent some time in Vancouver, Canada prior to training to become a flying instructor on his return to the UK. Ian worked at a flying school specifically involved in ATC Flying Scholarship contracts in addition to instructor training.

Upon completion and issue of his professional licence, Ian moved into general aviation charter flying before joining British Midland as a First Officer in 1986 on the Shorts 360. The DC-9 series 15 & 32 followed with his first Command being attained after type conversion on the BAe ATP.

1990 brought a return to instructional flying with appointment as a Line Training Captain with subsequent qualification as Type and Instrument Rating Examiner following in 1991 (aircraft and simulator). During 1993 British Midland ceased operations of the BAe ATP. Orders for a mixed fleet of Fokker 70 and 100 followed and Ian joined the team that introduced this new type into the company.

The Fokker 100 aircraft entered British Midland service in 1994. Since then Ian has been involved in all aspects of Company pilot training, later being appointed to the post of Technical Pilot, which included Certificate of Airworthiness flight testing. Appointment to current position of Chief Pilot (Fokker fleet) was in 1997. This role combines office/management duties with continued involvement in flying training in addition to responsibility for pilot recruitment.

USD $ 16.49

B747-400 - VIR - NTSC

B747-400 - VIR - NTSC

In this comprehensive look at the mighty Boeing 747-400 you join Captain Alan Carter, First Officer Allan Rattigan and First Officer John Cullom on board a scheduled Virgin Atlantic flight.

  • 166 minute
  • Virgin Atlantic Airways
  • London Heathrow > San Francisco, USA
  • Platinum Collection
  • Filmed using a total of 7 cameras

Your journey begins at London Heathrow International Airport (EGLL), in the crew despatch office for pre-flight preparations.

Captain Alan Carter takes you through a detailed look at the preparations for the journey. This includes route information, weather, alternate airports, fuel and NOTAM information. You'll then proceed to our aircraft (G-VXLG) for the walk round followed by meeting the other flightdeck crew members. Then follow the departure brief, pushback, engine start and taxi. The departure is a Woburn Two Foxtrot using runway 27R.

During the takeoff on flight VS19, you will see multiple camera angles showing the externals of the departure, forward view of the runway and much more. Once established in the cruise Captain Alan Carter (Pilot Flying) gives you a guided tour of the B747-400 flightdeck. Systems explained include the Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS), Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (EICAS), plus there's a detailed look at the engine start procedure and information on electrics, hydraulics, air conditioning and more.

First Officer Allan Rattigan also explains the takeoff performance calculations and how they are arrived at, guides you around the overhead panel and introduces you to the Flight Management Computer (FMC). First Officer John Cullom also shows you around the Mode Control Panel (MCP). You'll then follow the descent and approach brief for a Golden Gate Four arrival into San Francisco International Airport (KSFO) using runway 28L. During the flight you will not only see just how the aircraft is flown but will be able to follow Air Traffic Control, see the briefings and the checklists and procedures carried out in the cockpit on a scheduled airline flight.

About Captain Alan Carter
Captain Alan Carter was born in England in 1963. After completing his A levels, whilst also training for his PPL at school, Alan attended the Oxford Air Training School and completed his CPL/IR. Then when he was just 19 he was given a job by Dan Air Services as a co-pilot on the BAe 748 twin turboprop, based in Newcastle and later at London Gatwick.

Alan operated both scheduled and charter passenger flights as well as freight contracts around the United Kingdom and Europe. Three years later Alan transferred onto the Boeing 727 aircraft operating charter flights throughout the Mediterranean.

Alan remained on the Boeing 727 until November 1989, his last flight was into Berlin's Tegel airport the night the wall came down. He then left Dan Air and joined Virgin Atlantic on the Boeing 747-100/200 fleet as a co-pilot. Alan was promoted to Captain in 1994 at the age of 30. In February 1996 he was transferred to the Boeing 747-400 fleet.

USD $ 16.49

MD-11 - NTSC

MD-11 - NTSC

Featuring the Boeing MD-11, presented by Captain Ruud Bakker and First Officer Robert Lenz.

  • 183 minute
  • Martinair Airways
  • Amsterdam > Palma de Mallorca > Amsterdam
  • Platinum Collection
  • Filmed using a total of 7 cameras

You will join Ruud and Robert in the Flight Operations briefing room at the Martinair building at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport.

There you'll be first given a full briefing about the flight, the route, weather and fuel. We then go out to the aircraft (PH-MCS) for the start of our journey from Amsterdam (EHAM) to Palma de Mallorca (LEPA). Departure is from Amsterdam's Schiphol airport using runway 19L on a Lekko SID, call sign Martinair 341.

Ruud explains in great detail the whole departure as he is actually flying it. Once settled in the cruise at 37,000 feet, Ruud introduces you to the FCP (Flight Control Panel), FMA (Flight Mode Annunciator), FMC (Flight Management Computer), FMS (Flight Management System), Climb Thrust and Pitch, Pilot Selection Mode verses FMS Mode, Nav Mode, PFD (Primary Flight Display), PLI (Pitch Limit Indicator), and FPA (Flight Path Angle).

We then follow Ruud and Robert in the descent and make an approach to Palma de Mallorca using runway 24L. Hear the Air Traffic Control for the flights and follow the checklists as you discover this state of the art aircraft from a very privileged perspective from the flightdeck!

About Captain Ruud Bakker
Captain Ruud Bakker, Martinair's Senior Chief Pilot, was born on August 24, 1954 in Haarlem, The Netherlands. Ruud started his flight training in September 1973 at the Government Aviation School (RLS, Rijksluchtvaart school) in Eelde, The Netherlands, where he flew the C-150, Saab-Safir and C-500. He finished school in May 1976 with a CPL, theoretical ATPL and a C-500 rating. From May 1976 Ruud flew sightseeing trips in a C-172. In September that year he left for Kenya and briefly flew part time for "Sight by Wings", an organisation that transports eye-doctors to places in Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan and the Comores Islands.

In March 1977 Ruud returned to The Netherlands to take up an invitation by Martinair's Director of Flight Operations to start a job as crew-scheduler, with the option of getting a job as a pilot as soon as a vacancy became available. During September 1977 Ruud started as a co-pilot on the DC-9-30 and in February 1979 a co-pilot on the DC-10-30 and progressed in May 1986 to his first captaincy on the A310-200.

From 1987 he became a TRI (instructor), and in 1988 a chief-instructor, from 1990 till the end of 1993 he also became chief pilot. In 1994 Ruud helped prepare Martinair for the introduction of the MD-11, along with his MD-11 training with Swissair which lead him on to a position as chief instructor on the MD-11 Fleet.

In January 1997 he was made chief-pilot MD-11 Fleet and in September 1999 he became Martinair's Senior Chief Pilot. Ruud is married and has two children.

USD $ 16.49